"When I have some money I buy books: and food and clothes with what is left"
When we look at the progress made by mankind to collect and share information since writing was discovered, we can see that this century has seen the most significant developments. Modern day libraries are not limited to print sources, and they share information electronically. That is why, Tarsus SEV Library is also a media center.
IT resources enable us to make more effective use of the rich resources of libraries. You can reach the archive of the Tarsus SEV Library which has 10200 print resources in Turkish and English online at www.library.tac.k12.tr to take a closer look at this valuable selection.
As well as being a co-curricular support, the library is also a classroom for Turkish and English lessons. All students spend at least one period per week in the library.
Students can borrow up to three books for a period of 15 days. The results of the online quiz that they take which is based on the English books that they are reading is used as the participation grade in English.
The Tarsus SEV Library also has an archive of daily newspapers (Turkish and English) and monthly periodicals (total of 30 - 5 Turkish and 25 English) so that they are updated on more contemporary research on the topics they are studying.
Various activities are organized to instill the joy of reading for leisure. Students are provided the opportunity to use their creativity and think about books and reading with the school-wide bookmarker contest. The winners are awarded with certificate and gifts, which increases their motivation to take part in similar activities.
Tarsus SEV Library also has a technology room which has computers, printers and scanners. Students can use the internet to make research on a topic of further interest, however these computers are connected to a host computer which restricts access to harmful content.
Tarsus SEV Library operates between 8:30-17:30 on weekdays for student, teacher and parent use.