Our 2nd grade students grew organic vegetables in pots as part of the Eco School activities. Our students planted the seeds of vegetables such as cress, radish, mint, parsley and onion in their pots and brought them together with the soil in the project that we started with the aim of making tiny hands touch the soil and gain awareness on this issue. In this activity, our students first learned about cultivation of the soil, planting and watering the seeds. Our students planted their seeds in the ground with their own hands at home with the guidance of their teachers. They took care of the plants for a month and studied the growth stages. Our students, who showed their germinating seeds to their friends, shared the importance of water, which seed they planted and how long the seed germinated with their classmates. We congratulate our students for their efforts in this project, where we aimed to bring them together with the soil and give them a sense of responsibility and to contribute positively to the development of their self-confidence.